Are you ready for THE POWER OF AUCTION?

Welcome to our brand new consumer-focused auction campaign, designed to build awareness of your auction service.

Power to the speed seekers, the mortgage movers, the savvy sellers, the sale smashers and the risk dodgers.

This dedicated agent hub gives you all the tools you need to help your buyers and sellers find the Power of Auction and help you stand out, win new instructions and delight your clients.

Consumers are ready for change

The last 12 months have certainly seen a transformation in the property market, with huge increases in the popularity of MMoA going a long way to cement auction’s vital role in all market conditions. And it’s not just recent market conditions driving the demand.

With this new campaign we have flipped myth busting on its head, by removing the negatives and bringing the positives of auction front and centre. The messaging positively positions auction as a viable route for your clients to sell their property in today’s market, as well as educating and inspiring audiences that auction can be for everyone.

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'Power of Auction Toolkit'


Driving lead generation

As well as providing you with everything you need to support the campaign, we’ll be running this across our channels and through paid targeted adverts across the UK. Our focus for this campaign is to build awareness of auction and drive leads for our Partner Agents, which is why we’ll be directing consumers to speak to their Estate Agent.

Power to the sale smashers

Looking to maximise your house sale? With the Modern Method of Auction you set a bulletproof Reserve Price, with many sellers smashing it. And with a wide range of buyers, the market has never looked so good!

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Power to the risk dodgers

A 95% completion rate, more transparency and committed buyers! With the Modern Method of Auction, fall-throughs and gazumping are a thing of the past.

Download your toolkit!

Power to the savvy sellers

Sell your home without it costing you the earth. With the Modern Method of Auction there is a 0% fee option for sellers compared with a traditional sale, so you'll have more money to spend on your new home!

Download your toolkit!